Sunday, November 21, 2010

Feelin' good :)

Well it's day 4 and things are going great.

I'm feeling good and looking even better :) My wonderful next door neighbor Adrienne told me I'm glowing and I look very happy. I told her that I think that glow and happy look has to do with a few things, just not the operation .

I ventured out to Target by myself and did a little bit of shopping. I'm not a shopper to begin with so it was fine that I was in and out of the store pretty fast. It was just nice to be independent again. Tomorrow I will be going to get a pedicure and a manicure. I had to take my manicure off before the operation so they could monitor my oxygen level with that ultra annoying finger monitor. It will be nice to have my nails back again :)

It's crazy to me how much has changed in the past year. I went back to grad school for my 2nd masters degree, started wearing eyeliner and mascara, began looking at doctoral programs, and had a very hard conversation with a good man that led to a decision to get divorced. It's a year of changes and boy do those changes look good on me ;)

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