Sunday, November 21, 2010

Banded on 11/17/10

I started the process to get banded in April of 2010 when I went to an informational session with my coworker Cheryl. Cheryl was banded in August of 2009 and has proved to be very successful and quite the inspiration for me.

After I attended the informational session and got to know Dr. Duperier I decided that the time was right and I was going to go through the process for my insurance to cover the procedure.

I had to do a lot of things to get approval:
  • Cardiologist
  • Barium Swallow
  • Gal bladder ultrasound
  • Sleep Study
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • 4 month diet with a nutritionist

The process wasn't that bad... just took a lot of time and a lot of copayments.

Now that I have been banded I'm glad that I made the decision to have it done. As far as recovery goes it has been easier than I thought it would be. I haven't had constant pain that required me to take my pain medicine. I'm glad that this recovery has been easy.

When I went in for my operation I was at 405. I won't weigh myself again until I go to the doctor for my post op appointment on December 2nd. For me losing weight isn't about the number on the scale, it's about how I look and how I feel.

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