Friday, November 26, 2010

Cold Fronts didnt used to make me cold

I've noticed that as I've lost weight I get colder easier. It's weird... I'm used to being the one who is always hot and sweaty. I like the change though... I really do.

I just dont want to buy stuff to fit this winter when they won't fit at all by next winter. So I'll just hang in there with what I have and buy new stuff next year a few sizes smaller than what i'm in now :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bandster Hell

Bandster Hell is apparently the time after surgery where all the swelling has gone down and you are regaining your hunger. I had no idea it had a name until I talked to one of my friends from back in the day who had the lapband a few years ago.

I learn something new everyday. I have to make sure that I ask questions as they come up or I'll be soo lost. I'm glad that I've found great people to talk to about their tips, successes, and failures.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I weighed in...

I know I had said that I would wait until December 2nd when I go in for my post op diet but I couldnt wait...

I picked up a scale at Bed, Bath, and Beyond when I was out and about today. I am completely surprised by the results!!

I am down 17 pounds since the surgery! WOW!

I'm walking on sunshine!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Feelin' good :)

Well it's day 4 and things are going great.

I'm feeling good and looking even better :) My wonderful next door neighbor Adrienne told me I'm glowing and I look very happy. I told her that I think that glow and happy look has to do with a few things, just not the operation .

I ventured out to Target by myself and did a little bit of shopping. I'm not a shopper to begin with so it was fine that I was in and out of the store pretty fast. It was just nice to be independent again. Tomorrow I will be going to get a pedicure and a manicure. I had to take my manicure off before the operation so they could monitor my oxygen level with that ultra annoying finger monitor. It will be nice to have my nails back again :)

It's crazy to me how much has changed in the past year. I went back to grad school for my 2nd masters degree, started wearing eyeliner and mascara, began looking at doctoral programs, and had a very hard conversation with a good man that led to a decision to get divorced. It's a year of changes and boy do those changes look good on me ;)

Banded on 11/17/10

I started the process to get banded in April of 2010 when I went to an informational session with my coworker Cheryl. Cheryl was banded in August of 2009 and has proved to be very successful and quite the inspiration for me.

After I attended the informational session and got to know Dr. Duperier I decided that the time was right and I was going to go through the process for my insurance to cover the procedure.

I had to do a lot of things to get approval:
  • Cardiologist
  • Barium Swallow
  • Gal bladder ultrasound
  • Sleep Study
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • 4 month diet with a nutritionist

The process wasn't that bad... just took a lot of time and a lot of copayments.

Now that I have been banded I'm glad that I made the decision to have it done. As far as recovery goes it has been easier than I thought it would be. I haven't had constant pain that required me to take my pain medicine. I'm glad that this recovery has been easy.

When I went in for my operation I was at 405. I won't weigh myself again until I go to the doctor for my post op appointment on December 2nd. For me losing weight isn't about the number on the scale, it's about how I look and how I feel.